Central Virginia Honor Guard
The members of the Central Virginia Honor Guard are proud representatives of this most hallowed event, and their standard will remain perfection.

The mission of the Central Virginia Honor Guard is to provide military honors for funerals, memorial services, and other occasions as requested regardless of the service branch.
The Central Virginia Honor Guard’s dignified participation reflects the professionalism of our own service to our nation and leaves lasting impression of pride and support for the veteran’s family, friends, our local community, and a grateful nation.

The rendering of the military funeral honors demonstrates our nation’s deep gratitude to those who have faithfully defended and served our country. It is this, the final tribute to the veteran that the volunteers of CVA Honor Guard focus on. Hours are spent developing the precision drill and execution of each ceremonial step. All of which traces back to the ancient Greek and Roman traditions that are now the ceremonial pillars of the modern military funeral, mastered by the CVA Virginia Honor Guard!

Members of the American Legion Post 116, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8947 and other Veterans organizations formed to create this team. Membership is open to all Veterans. The HG practices at least monthly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month.

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